Monday, 15 November 2021

Christmas Play and Parties

Christmas play and parties

We are really excited to start planning our Christmas celebrations for the children. We are planning on holding Christmas parties on Monday 20th December and the Christmas play on Tuesday 21st December. 


This year the play will take place at St Andrews church in Swanwick, at 9.30am on Tuesday 21st December. You will receive a parentmail shortly with which part your child has been selected for and what costume they require. 


We are ever mindful that covid rates are still quite high, if they increase in our area at the time of the play, we may have to cancel the event. In order to make the event covid secure we ask that all adults wear a mask, and if at all possible, families take a lateral flow test before the event.


The Christmas parties are split into 2 groups as we cannot accommodate all the children at once. You will be given a time slot nearer the time.