Thursday, 3 February 2022

Spring term 1 Newsletter

Newsletter Spring term 1


Christmas Activities 


🌟We're so excited to let you know that our Christmas fundraising activities have raised an amazing grand total of £1745.91.This is an excellent amount to start our fundraising for our new kitchen.

This is made up of donations from the bauble competition, Santa's Grotto, Christmas Raffle, Quiz, Christmas cards and bucket shake at the play - a big thank you to everyone for your very generous donations!

🔹2021 has been another challenging year for our fundraising, but we're so thankful for everyone's support this Christmas to raise much needed funds for pre-school.


We would like to thank NA&C Consultants, Matlock Park Farm, Derby Theatre, Gulliver’s Kingdom, Enchanted Memories Photography, Lubrizol, Conkers, Ritz Cinema, Gymfit, Fizziofit, Oxygen Derby, Salt Pot Cafe, Treetops, PDP Character Hire and Just Jigsaws for their contribution to our raffle. We really appreciate their support.


Christmas Play


Thank you to everyone who attended the Christmas play, it was lovely for the children and families to join together to celebrate Christmas. Thank you for helping us to keep the event covid secure. We really enjoyed our visit to Swanwick Church and would like to thank them for hosting our Christmas Play.


Thank you to John and Rachel Felix of John Felix Films for filming the play to allow everyone to see the play who were unable to attend.



Car Parking/Road Safety


The safety of our children is paramount so please do not park on the road across the front of the building, particularly at dropping off or picking up time. Also, there is no parking at the front of the building as this is reserved for staff. Please take care when opening car doors, as the pavements are narrow and small children can easily get hurt.



Term dates


10th January – 18th February 2022

28th February 2020 – 8th April 2022


Summer Term


25th April – 26th May (We are using our Queen’s Jubilee Bank Holiday on Friday 27th May)

6th June – 22nd July 2022


Tummy bugs & Absence from Pre School


If your child suffers from sickness or diarrhoea, please do not send them back to Pre School until 48 hours after the last episode. If your child can't attend Pre School for any reason, please call us and let us know and the reason for absence. If you are going on holiday, please ask for a holiday form. We need to record absence reasons to comply with our Derbyshire County Council contract for funding.


PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE make sure that your children’s clothes are clearly labelled with their full name.


Should we get any snow, please make sure your child has shoes to change into.

As the weather is now cooler, please make sure your child has appropriate clothing for going outdoors while at Pre School.


In the event of bad weather, you will be notified of any school closures by Parentmail. Please make sure your contact details are up to date.


Pre School Trip


The summer outing this year will be to Matlock Park Farm on Friday 17th June. The coach will leave Pre School at 9.30am and return for 3.00pm in order for parents to collect children from school. A letter will go for this trip after the Easter Break. Staff do not go on the outing; this is for children and their families. Pre School will be closed on this day for sessions. Seats on the coach are limited.  However families are welcome to go in their own cars and meet at the entrance to the park.


Pre School Photographs


We are excited to inform you that we have Enchanted Memories Photography coming into Pre School on Thursday 24th and Friday 25th February (This is the Friday of half term). 

Becky is a local photographer based in Swanwick, who always supports our fundraising events, which we really appreciate. 

Due to covid we have been unable to have the school photographs taken for the last 2 years, so we are very happy to have the opportunity for you to book to get some Pre School photographs taken. She will also take photographs with siblings etc. 

Please see the link below to book your time slot:

Healthy Eating

Scan, swipe, swap - activities toolkit


NHS Food Scanner app

The NHS Food Scanner app helps pupils explore what is in their food and drink and make healthier swaps

As Pre School we are always looking for ways to help promote healthy eating and oral health with the children. Please see above a great app from the NHS which tells you how healthy your food is and what healthy swaps you could make.