Monday, 18 September 2023
Coffee morning & committee
Saturday 24th September at 10.00am -11.30am is our welcome coffee morning, this is a great opportunity for families to take a look around and meet other families with children at pre school.
Members of staff and committee will be available on the day to speak to and answer any questions you might have.
This year a number of our committee members are leaving, after many years on the committee. We are looking to recruit new members to join our friendly group. We are committee run and parent/carer involvement is crucial to our continued existence and success. Volunteering for your pre-school offers an ideal opportunity for you to become actively and practically involved in your child’s early years, make a difference to how your pre-school is managed, meet other parents and the satisfaction of giving something back to your local community. As pre school is committee run it cannot operate without enough members. If you are interested in joining come along on Saturday and see us, or email Alison Pickering on who will be happy to answer any questions you have.
We look forward to welcoming you all to pre school, if for any reason you cannot make this date, parents evening will take place in October, where you would have the opportunity to visit.
Kind regards
The Committee