18th October 2022
This week is our last week of the half term, we break up on Friday 21st October and return on Monday 31stOctober. It has been a pleasure to meet all the new families who have joined pre-school this term, and see how well the children settled in and started their learning journey.
If your child is unwell or not attending pre-school for any other reason, please call pre school on 01773 607885 on the first morning of absence, as this is a safeguarding requirement.
Can we please, remind you to write your child’s name in all jumpers, coats and bags as it is very confusing, when other children have the same.
Don’t forget you still have time to book your slot for our Christmas photograph session.
Our AGM took place on Thursday 29th September. We would like to thank Martin Dye, Rachel Felix and Lindsay Wharton – Howett, for staying on as Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary. A big thank to our other committee members who have volunteered to stay on. We are delighted to welcome Alex Morley and Richard Watson who have joined the committee this year. We really appreciate all their hard work!
After half term we will be able to share the details of our Santa on the farm, fundraising event on Saturday 3rdDecember. In the meantime, if you have any unwanted gifts, eg. toiletries sets, toys or children’s books we would be very grateful to receive them in preparation for our Santa on the Farm event.
For families with older children at pre-school, you can apply for a school place from November 7th until 15thJanuary 2023.
We would like to wish you an enjoyable half term break.