Summer term newsletter
We would like to say a big thank you to those who donated to our smartie tubes, joined our quiz and have taken part in our sponsored obstacle course. We are truly thankful for your generosity in helping us try to reach our goal for a new kitchen.
A HUGE 'thank you' to everyone who came along to our Quiz Night!! We raised an absolutely brilliant £1️18🎉 which will go towards the cost of the new kitchen!
Thank you also to the wonderful team at The Steampacket for generously hosting it for us and to our fantastic Quiz Master, Phil, for the brilliant questions!! Such a great night! 😍
Can all sponsor money please be returned before the end of term. Payments can be made by online banking if your child isn’t in pre-school.
Taddy Walters Cup
A very big 'thank you' to Swanwick Pentrich Road Veterans, The Boot And Slipper and The Gate Inn Swanwick for your extremely kind and generous donation of £450!!
This will be put towards our fund to buy and fit a much-needed new kitchen for pre-school. Thank you again, we're very grateful 😍
We have now raised £4036 towards our new kitchen, which is amazing since Christmas!
Don’t forget to help your child get ready for school
In order to help your child get ready for the transition to big school it is important you help them gain some independence. Please let them practise putting on their own shoes and coats, this will be a huge benefit when they start school.
Swanwick Pre School Committee
Do you have a couple of hours to spare each half term, to come along and help your child’s Pre School? We really need parents to join our committee as we have members who will be leaving in September. It’s a great way to meet new people, perhaps to learn a new skill and to help in your community. We are a friendly group who love to welcome new members!
Please email Alison Pickering on, if you would be interested in joining us.
Coffee Morning
Don’t forget to put Saturday 24th September in your diary for our coffee morning. This is a great opportunity for new starter families to meet other children, parents, staff and committee at Pre School.
Term Dates
Monday 5th September – Friday 21st October
Monday 31st October – Monday 19th December
Monday 9th January – Friday 17th February
Dates for your diary
Coffee Morning – Saturday 24th September 10.30pm -12.00pm
AGM Monday – 29th September 8.00pm
Christmas Fair – Saturday 3rd December
Pre School concert – Wednesday 21st December 9.15am
Staff changes
Miss Howard, our apprentice, left us on 28th June to pursue a different career path. We wish her well with her new career.
Miss Cook has completed the term doing one to one support, but you will still see her around working as a relief assistant. We would like to thank Miss Cook for all her hard work over the last term.
It is that time of year again when we have to say goodbye to all our older children as they set off on a new adventure to school
We would like to wish all the children that are leaving us this summer, good luck and best wishes for starting their new school.
We would like to thank all the families for all the support you have given to Pre-School over the last 2 years.
On behalf of the staff and committee we wish you all a lovely summer and look forward to welcoming you back on Monday 5th September.