Wednesday, 26 May 2021

Summer Term Two 2021


Fathers Day, Holidays,Transport, Sports Week

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

 Making Relationships

We will be learning about sharing and taking turns to support children in developing positive relationships

We will plan activities which require collaboration eg ring games

Communication and Language

Listening and Attention

We will listen to similarities in sounds at the beginning of words

We will play lots of fun games to encourage children's listening skills

Physical Development

 Health and Self Care

 We will become aware of being healthy and how to maintain good health

 We will take increasing responsibility for managing our own hygiene



We will talk about the marks children make

We will plan mark making opportunities during role play and other activities


Shape, Space & Measure

 We will sort and match different objects looking at similarities and differences in size, colour and shape

 We will explore patterns and create our own patterns

Understanding the World

People and Communities

We will talk to children about their families and friends and why they are important

We will encourage children to talk about significant events in their own life and find out about other people's experiences

Expressive arts and design

 Being Imaginative

 Children will engage in imaginative role-play experiences with their peers eg going to the seaside

 We will build stories around toys

How can you help your child?

Continue to talk to your child about what happens at Pre-school, ask them questions and encourage them to ask you questions.

Count objects on the way to school eg "How many red cars can you see?"

Sing songs the children are learning at Pre-school

Children about to start school - promote independence eg using knife and fork, fastening own coat

 Remember: Staff are always available for a chat or advice about your child.