Monday, 3 February 2025

Safer Internet Day Tuesday 11th February

Tuesday 11th February 2025 is Safer Internet Day You may find it useful to look on the following websites: Parents and Carers - UK Safer Internet Centre Children and technology: Age-appropriate usage advice | NSPCC How device use can affect development Screen use can benefit children’s development in the early years but there are challenges that you should be aware of. Ongoing research suggests there are both positive and negative developmental outcomes. Benefits Screen use (depending upon how it is used) can support young children in your care by: providing opportunities to promote creativity and learning encouraging language development improving numeracy and literacy skills creating a greater understanding of their world developing their digital skills Challenges Screen use in the early years can have an impact on a young child’s development. It can: impact their ability to control their emotions impact how they deal with social interactions and activities expose them to inappropriate content Screen time advice The World Health Organisation’s (WHO) guidance from 2019 on physical activity, sedentary behaviour and sleep for children under 5 years of age states that to grow up healthy, children need to sit less and play more. WHO has the following recommendations for screen time: under 1: screen time is not recommended 1-year-olds: sedentary screen time (such as watching TV or videos, playing computer games) is not recommended 2-year-olds: sedentary screen time should be no more than 1 hour; less is better age 3 to 4: sedentary screen time should be no more than 1 hour; less is better

Friday, 10 January 2025

Winter newsletter 25

Winter Newsletter Welcome to all of our new starters We wish you all a big warm welcome and hope your child enjoys the start of their education with us. If you have any concerns please speak to a member of staff. NUTS Swanwick Pre School is a Nut free zone, could we please ask, that no child bring any food to Pre School that contains nuts as we have a child with a severe nut allergy. This includes chocolate spreads containing nuts. Thank you for your understanding. Christmas Thank you so much to everyone who braved the weather to come along and generously support our rearranged Santa on the Farm event - we hope you all had a fantastic time! 😍. We made an amazing £1995, which will go towards the improvements to our outdoor learning. A very big thank you to Swanwick Methodist Church, for stepping in at the last minute to let us hold our event at the church. A huge thank you to everyone who donated prizes for the stalls and baked cakes. Finally, thank you to our wonderful team of dedicated and enthusiastic committee members and volunteers, who put lots of time and energy into making the event a success 🙌. We wanted to express our thanks to everyone who purchased raffle tickets. We are extremely grateful that you helped us to raise a fantastic grand total of £882. The money raised will be directly used towards purchasing equipment and enhancing our outdoor learning. We’ve worked really hard over the last few months to boost our fundraising, in total, with our Santa event, raffle, Christmas cards and film downloads we have made £3035, which is brilliant! We would like to thank the following companies for their raffle prize donation: NA&C Consultants, Lubrizol, Matlock Farm Park, Gym Fit, JB Transport, Derbyshire Cricket Club, Derby Live, Morley Hayes, Bridge House Café, Calke Abbey, Chatsworth Farm, Dawn Sheriston Jowett, Ritz Cinema Belper, Little Moos, Fujifilm and Electronic Materials and Owen Taylor. We would like to thank Amanda at the Steampacket for her support in selling raffle tickets. We’re now looking forward to organising more fundraising events in 2025 and to purchasing new outdoor equipment for our children to enjoy and to support their learning and development. We would also like to say a big thank you to Swanwick Church for allowing to hold our Christmas play in church. It was wonderful to see all the children dressed up and singing. We really appreciate the hard work parents put in to get the costumes ready. Dates for the diary. World Book Day 6th March We have Enchanted memories coming in to do school photos on Saturday 8th March. The week of the 12th May the children will be doing their sponsored adventure course in session. New Starter Open day Saturday 26th April Absence If your child is unwell or not attending pre-school for any other reason, please call pre-school on 01773 607885 on the first morning of absence, as this is a safeguarding requirement. Names PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE make sure that your children’s clothes are clearly labelled with their full name.

Monday, 16 September 2024

AGM 3rd October 2024

COMPANY NUMBER: 4646503 SWANWICK PRE SCHOOL NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING This is notice of our 2024 Annual General Meeting will be held at Swanwick Pre School on Thursday 3rd October at 8.00pm to: 1. Look at the Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2024 2. Receive the annual report of the Committee and the annual report of the Manager. 3. Elect Pedley and Co as Accountants for the following year. 4. Elect Members of the Committee BY ORDER OF THE COMMITTEE (i.e. THE DIRECTORS OF THE COMPANY) Charlotte Fisher (Chair) Lindsay Wharton-Howett (Secretary) Dated: 9th September 2024 Registered Office: Pentrich Road Swanwick DE55 1BN NOTE: 1. As a member of Swanwick Pre School you can appoint a proxy to attend and vote for you but the proxy will not be counted in the numbers needed for a valid meeting. A proxy need not be another parent. 2. To be valid, you must give your Form of Proxy to a member of staff – addressed to the Committee Chair not less than 48 hours before the time of the meeting.

Friday, 10 November 2023

Santa on the Farm Donations

Could you support our Santa on the Farm event by donating some much-needed items? We’re looking forward to our Swanwick Santa on the Farm event on Saturday 9th December, 10am – 1.15pm. 

This is our biggest fundraising event of the year and we’d love your help to make the event as successful as possible. This year we have decided to change how we send out our requests for donations to the event. We have compiled a list of all the donated items that we’d really like to receive - these will help us to run some of the stalls and raise money for pre-school. All of the dates and item requests are below, and you will receive an update weekly by text as a gentle reminder. All donated items will be very much appreciated. In addition, we’re also currently contacting local businesses and organisations for donations to our Christmas raffle. If you know any businesses/organisations who may wish to support us, please do let us know. Please see below the following dates when we would really appreciate the following donations: The week of the 13th November – We would appreciate items for our Tombola and toys; this can be any unwanted gift, things left over from party bags, toiletries, etc. The week of the 20th November – We would appreciate Bottles (unopened) of wine, beer, bubble bath, shampoo, soft drinks, ketchup, etc. The week of the 27th November– We would appreciate Chocolate; this can be boxes of chocolate, bars, gift bags, biscuits, etc. The week of the 4th December – We would appreciate donations for the Cake Stall; this can be bought cakes, Christmas goods or home baked. If you are donating home baked cakes could we please have them on Friday 8th December to ensure they are fresh. Please place donations in the box by the entrance to Pre School. We would like to thank you for your continued support for Pre-school and we look forward to seeing you at the Santa on the Farm on 9th December. Kind regards, The Committee

Monday, 18 September 2023

Coffee morning & committee

Saturday 24th September at 10.00am -11.30am is our welcome coffee morning, this is a great opportunity for families to take a look around and meet other families with children at pre school. Members of staff and committee will be available on the day to speak to and answer any questions you might have. This year a number of our committee members are leaving, after many years on the committee. We are looking to recruit new members to join our friendly group. We are committee run and parent/carer involvement is crucial to our continued existence and success. Volunteering for your pre-school offers an ideal opportunity for you to become actively and practically involved in your child’s early years, make a difference to how your pre-school is managed, meet other parents and the satisfaction of giving something back to your local community. As pre school is committee run it cannot operate without enough members. If you are interested in joining come along on Saturday and see us, or email Alison Pickering on who will be happy to answer any questions you have. We look forward to welcoming you all to pre school, if for any reason you cannot make this date, parents evening will take place in October, where you would have the opportunity to visit. Kind regards The Committee

Monday, 11 September 2023

Notice of AGM

COMPANY NUMBER: 4646503 SWANWICK PRE SCHOOL NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING This is notice of our 2023 Annual General Meeting will be held at Swanwick Pre School on Thursday 28th September 2023 at 8.00pm to: 1. Look at the Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2023 2. Receive the annual report of the Committee and the annual report of the Manager. 3. Elect Pedley and Co as Accountants for the following year. 4. Elect Members of the Committee BY ORDER OF THE COMMITTEE (i.e. THE DIRECTORS OF THE COMPANY) Martin Dye ( Chair) Lindsay Wharton-Howett (Secretary) Dated: 9th September 2023 Registered Office: Pentrich Road Swanwick DE55 1BN NOTE: 1. As a member of Swanwick Pre School you can appoint a proxy to attend and vote for you but the proxy will not be counted in the numbers needed for a valid meeting. A proxy need not be another parent. 2. To be valid, you must give your Form of Proxy to a member of staff – addressed to the Committee Chair not less than 48 hours before the time of the meeting.

Thursday, 25 May 2023

Newsletter Summer 1

Summer 1 newsletter End of term On Thursday we break up for the spring bank holiday break. We hope you all have a restful time and we look forward to seeing you back at Pre School on Monday 5th June 2023 Fundraising Update This half-term we have been so pleased to make full use of our lovely new kitchen, which was installed over the Easter holidays. This has enabled staff to be able to do cooking activities with the children. We are now fundraising to enhance our outdoor play area and would like to thank all parents and carers for your recent generous contributions: · The Christmas bauble decoration competition raised a wonderful £110 · The sponsored obstacle course raised an absolutely amazing £1,050! A very big thank you also to Becky from Enchanted Memories Photography who kindly donated £100 to pre-school from the recent photography session. Finally, we raised a brilliant £190 at the Quiz Night in March held at The Steampacket and we would like to thank everyone who attended and The Steampacket for their ongoing, generous support. Getting ready for school To help your child get ready for the transition to big school it is important you help them gain some independence. Please let them practise putting on their own shoes and coats, and to use their cutlery independently at meals times. This will be a huge benefit to your child when they start school. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE make sure that your children’s clothes are clearly labelled with their full name – especially coats, sweatshirts and hats! As well as bags, toys and umbrellas. Holidays Please remember if you are going on holiday in term time, we need a holiday form completing to comply with DCC funding. Warmer weather As the warmer weather begins could we please ask that children have sun cream applied before coming to pre-school and a sun hat, with their name clearly written on it. Tummy bugs & Absence from Pre School If your child suffers from sickness or diarrhoea, please do not send them back to Pre School until 48 hours after the last episode. If your child can't attend Pre School for any reason, please call us on 01773 607885 and let us know and the reason for absence. We need to record absences for safeguarding and to comply with our Derbyshire County Council contract for funding. Summer Term Thursday 25th May break up and return on Monday 5th June 21st July break up for the summer break. Monday 4th September return to Pre School from the summer break. Committee We are a committee run Pre–school, always looking to welcome new members. As a committee we work closely with the staff on the overall management, development and smooth running of the Pre-School. It is essential for us to have a full committee in order for the pre-school to continue operating. There are many benefits to being a committee member, including gaining new skills, meeting new people and making a valuable contribution to the local community. If you are interested in joining the committee, please email our Administrator/Treasurer on or speak to a member of staff.